Induct New Employee

Process Induct New Employee


When there is a new starter, the line manager, or designated deputy, should follow this checklist:


- Introduction and tour of facilities

By end of day 1:

- Desk space allocated (for office-based staff)
- Workstation or laptop with all relevant software and passwords
- Allocation of meaningful tasks (even if this is only self-directed learning via intranet)

By end of week 1:

- Payroll set-up
- Communication of policies, rules, and mandatory training
- Initial work planning meeting

.. etc.

Process Components (that are produced or used by this Process)

Vacancy filled with Competent Person

  • Category:
  • VSM Role:
  • Potential Issues:
  • Evaluation:
  • Feedback Notes:
Organizations (that are accountable for this process)

Hiring Manager

Appears On

IGOE Scope Diagram Recruit Staff

Level 2 Process Hierarchy Recruitment & Onboarding