Business Document Consulting Guidelines (internal)

Process Component Consulting Guidelines (internal)


This is intended to cover "rules of engagement", for example, Consultants must:

- Satisfy themselves that the Service Request is intelligible and deliverable before the assignment takes place

- Escalate any issues that jeopardize the assignment (e.g. promises made by Sales that are misleading or unclear)

- Check what version of the software is being used and have that version installed

- Agree with client, either beforehand or on site, the parameters of the work, e.g.
- - What work needs to be done (in reality, this is often not the same as the service request)
- - Where the work is to be done (on their systems or own laptop)
- - How the work will be monitored and controlled (e.g. prototyping and review, reporting of work in progress, frequency of handover of work if using own laptop)

- - What will be handed over (e.g. model, output, instructions, etc.) and what will not (e.g. other client work, other collateral)

- Ensure all travel arrangements have been booked and are accurate before setting off

Processes (that produce or use this component)

Deliver Consulting Services

  • Category: Resource
  • VSM Role: System 3 - Cohesion
  • Feedback Notes:

    Using assignment feedback, need to add to and maintain this knowledge resource. For example, what is written down might not actually be what is done - and for good reason. Also, as each client is different, standardized and overbearing prescriptions may well be counter-productive

  • Potential Issues:

    These need to be substantive, relevant and practical. For example, there is little point prescribing some convoluted "methodology" or meaningless requirement to "always show the standard sales demo" if these edicts are simply ignored (often for good reason, i.e. it adds no value to the client!)
    They should also set out "negative capability" scenarios, e.g. what to do if a consultant is assigned to an assignment they are simply not equipped to deliver.

  • Evaluation: 1

Set out & Communicate Rules and Constraints

  • Category: Output
  • VSM Role:
  • Feedback Notes:
  • Potential Issues:
  • Evaluation:
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