Data Assignment Arrangements

Process Component Assignment Arrangements


In addition to basics, such as address, travel, accommodation, start time, and who to ask for, consider especially (failure to do so can cause an assignment to fail even before it's started):

- How will work be done - their workstations or own laptop?

- If latter, how will data (work done, source files, etc.) be transferred?

- What version of the software are they on? If different from yours, do you have it installed on a Virtual Machine?

- For training, are they using a network installation or a stand-alone machines? Is the software installed?

Processes (that produce or use this component)

Deliver Consulting Services

  • Category: Resource
  • VSM Role: System 2 - Co-ordination
  • Feedback Notes:

    Ensure that each consultant has a checklist of things to check when arranging an assignment. Make sure that, based on assignment feedback, this is kept up-to-date.

  • Potential Issues:

    Arrangements have not been agreed, or some ambiguity is left hanging, which in turn sets up obstacles to a successful service delivery. For example, does everyone now where and how the consultant will be working - client workstation or own laptop? And if the latter, are there means of transferring work (models, deliverables)? And also, if the latter, does the consultant have the correct version of the software?

  • Evaluation: 3

Organize the Assignment

  • Category: Output
  • VSM Role:
  • Feedback Notes:
  • Potential Issues:
  • Evaluation:
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IGOE Scope Diagram Deliver Consulting Services

VSM View Deliver Consulting Services