02 Example Output or Report Example Model - a Professional Services Group

02 Example Output or Report Example Model - a Professional Services Group


This demo output focuses on a hypothetical Professional Services Group and the services it delivers. It looks at how this can be modeled and presented using various View or diagram types, e.g.

- A IGOE or scope diagram, used for assessing the rich set of interfaces with other activities or processes

- A Relationship Map, which is a variation of the previous view, but focuses on the various Actors or Stakeholders

- A standard Flow view

- A prototype "Viable Systems Model" view

- A "capability" report using Communicator for Word

In addition, I have situated the "Deliver Consulting Services" process (i.e. the system - or process - in focus) in an outline architecture. Or rather, there are two view of this architecture (which is based on my experience of seeing how organizations often model their processes):

- First a kind of "Reference" view, which essentially shows the hierarchical decomposition of activities. In some ways, this is like the APQC Process Classification Framework in that it is a set of activities that need to be performed, though it does not say how or in what order. Sometimes, this kind of view becomes a "Capability Architecture".

- The second is a attempt to capture a "true" process view, i.e. processes that are cross-functional and show how value is created. In some ways, this is a kind of value-chain architecture, which re-uses the activities modeled in the first view.

Activities (that are supported by this detailed Document)