Service Model Management & Governance

Service Model Management & Governance


In many respects, it is fairly easy to get started with Casewise Modeler. You learn how the diagrammer works, you create some templates, even set up some modeling standards, and start drawing diagrams.

But in a multi-user, multi-model environment, where your published output and reports contribute to an overall knowledge base or communication strategy, things can quickly become messy and even unmanageable. It is therefore important to have a "Model Manager", essentially a database administrator, who can oversee changes to the meta-model and modeling standards (and ensure any changes are consistent across multiple models).

It is perhaps more important to have governance processes; e.g. who approves the data in a model, who owns that data, how are changes and updates made and communicated, what do you do when you receive feedback? Are changes to be highly controlled through formal change requests, or are analysts essentially free to make changes as they see fit?

The sample documents (below) are based on a "model management process" I produced for one client. They are essentially, an extension of the Modeling Standards document I had produced earlier. This is simply to give ideas; such a process would be different for each organisation.

In addition, such model management processes must also include managing the meta-model, which in turn means it must be documented. The demo meta-model link is to the meta-model for this whole web site (which was produced in Corporate Modeler) and demonstrates how you can use Casewise Modeler itself to create such documentation.

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