Theme: Complex Processes

  • Description
  • Diagram Context
  • Essentially, BPM is rooted in a manufacturing and essentially mechanistic paradigm (Taylor's "scientific management"). Much contemporary knowledge-based work does not sit easily in such a model, appearing reductionist and often simplistic (resulting in stakeholder push-back). <br/>This theme also covers ideas of "unstructured" processes as well as the multi-dimensionality of a business process.<br/>See also complementary themes: <a href="javascript:top.guidLink('{DD30163A-4334-4db4-B82C-D662EFA0ED96}')"><font color="#0000ff"><u>Complexity and Innovation</u></font></a> and <a href="javascript:top.guidLink('{B821FE66-FFE2-4053-BE02-5131FD2159D4}')"><font color="#0000ff"><u>Systems Thinking</u></font></a>.<br/>
      isFinalSpecialization: 0