Theme: Modeling & Notation - IGOE & SIPOC

  • Description
  • Diagram Context
  • See below for a list of publications that describe or touch upon a diagram type known as IGOE, which standards for Inputs, Guides, Enablers, and Outputs (itself based on IDEF0). <br/>I also include SIPOC here because IGOE itself is seen as a more comprehensive extension of SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Consumers). <br/>Note also, IGOE-style diagrams are also referred  to as Scope diagrams (see <a href="javascript:top.guidLink('{C1C7D704-1D1C-474c-99CB-6A48F04EAA11}')"><font color="#0000ff"><u>separate Theme</u></font></a>).<br/>
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